The 3 Key Principles for Digital Attackers
In short, Digital attackers are companies that have managed to bust open the 'triangle of compromise' between software quality, delivery speed, and cost of development and operations. These enterprises enable their staff, technical or not, to rapidly validate new features and capabilities without much cost or risk.
Principle #1: Deliver Better Customer Value Faster and at Lower CostDigital attackers must break through the traditional “vicious triangle” that describes the tradeoff between development speed, quality, and cost. The upfront investment into containers, pervasive release, and infrastructure automation is critical to facilitate a much faster release schedule that simultaneously absorbs less operator time and increases release quality by minimizing the potential for human error.
Principle #2: Minimize Operations Cost
Digital attackers have transitioned their IT processes into a state of centralized infrastructure, application, policy, and security automation where IT operators focus on creating and monitoring policies instead of completing manual provisioning and management tasks. Containers are no shortcut for this exercise, but they are an excellent platform to provide developers with the resources they require, while enabling operators to manage policies and SLAs.
Principle #3: Experiment Often and Fail EarlyTeams need to be able to rapidly test new capabilities and receive customer feedback. Containers are an excellent platform for experimentation and prototyping because new resources can be spun up and down nearly instantly and at minimal cost.