Key Categories of Kubernetes Topics for Developers and Operators
The chart below is based on a full sample of the top 10000 most-viewed developer questions on StackOverflow between Jan 1, 2020 and June 26, 2020, with the dataset filtered for Kubernetes-related topics only.
Key observations:
1. Helm-related topics are the most frequent. This makes sense in a time where enterprises are onboarding more applications to Kubernetes.
2. Ansible takes 2nd place, as Red Hat's automation platform ties Kubernetes to the DevOps pipeline (jenkins-pipeline) and Linux.
3. There are lots of network topics spread out among the different categories, such as Project Calico under "Kubernetes Pod", Nginx Ingress under "Kubernetes Ingress", KubeDNS under "Kubeadm".
Key observations:
1. Helm-related topics are the most frequent. This makes sense in a time where enterprises are onboarding more applications to Kubernetes.
2. Ansible takes 2nd place, as Red Hat's automation platform ties Kubernetes to the DevOps pipeline (jenkins-pipeline) and Linux.
3. There are lots of network topics spread out among the different categories, such as Project Calico under "Kubernetes Pod", Nginx Ingress under "Kubernetes Ingress", KubeDNS under "Kubeadm".
Top Kubernetes Related Developer Challenges - Live Data
This chart is a live view of the most important developer topics around the Kubernetes container orchestration platform, based on data from the API.
Top Kubernetes Related IT Operator Challenges - Live Data
This chart is a live view of the most important operator topics around the Kubernetes container orchestration platform, based on data from the API.
Top Kubernetes Related DevOps Challenges - Live Data
This chart is a live view of the most important DevOps topics around the Kubernetes container orchestration platform, based on data from the DevOps/StackExchange API.